Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 12, 2007

I still feel like a fish out of water posting on my blog, furling, doing powerpoint, doing a webquest, designing a website. However, I am forcing myself to do these tasks anyway. When I am lost, I just ask. Even though I have had to ask the same question three or four times, I am determined to keep at these tasks until I learn them and don't have to ask how to do them each time. I can't expect myself to be comfortable with emerging technology, but I can expect myself to keep trying, keep learning, and do the best I can.
Today we worked on designing our websites. I didn't get beyond a very basic website, but I did do it. I am fortunate because DCC where I teach has websites for all the faculty. I just have to find out how to modify mine. I hope to do that over the next week.
I do have a question. We will be doing a PowerPoint on Emerging Technology for Monday, I believe. I am not sure which emerging technology I should learn about. Does anyone have suggestions?


Nancy said...

I know how you feel about asking the same question more than once. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one having to do that.

I was thinking about using speech-to-text software as a tool for students with learning disabilities. I will have to check with Janet to see if that will be okay.

Gwinyeo Kwak said...


If I learned difficult poems to understand through your WebQuest, I could have enjoyed them a lot.
Thanks you for letting me know the way that I can teach poems.

Janet said...

Asking questions is a basic way to learn, Jody, and I'm pleased that you keep asking. The only time we really feel comfortable is when we are learning something we already know. Then we may be bored:)

jody said...

Cinday, thank you for the positive feedback! I really enjoyed your webquest also.
